I'm a professional photographer.

I hereby inform you that your data is processed according to the principles of personal data processing, which are in accordance with Czech and European legislation.

Name and contact details of the administrator:

Otakar Hofr

Šumice 170, 687 31


IČO: 07198647

604 613 605

Purposes of processing personal data/whose data we process
Contacts of customers of our service/our former and current customers

Accounting data for invoicing customers/customers who have ordered our services

Selection procedures, job offers/people interested in the job we offer

Staff agenda/employees

Categories of personal data - what personal data we process:
Customer contacts (name and surname of company representative, telephone, e-mail)

Accounting data for invoicing (data necessary to comply with the Accounting Act)

Employee contacts (data necessary to complete the employee agenda)

Selection procedures (name, address, e-mail, telephone)

Categories of recipients to whom personal data are disclosed
Personal data controller (Otakar Hofr , tel.: 604 613 605,

Instructed and trained company employee

External accounting firm (Dagmar Gajová - ičo:61413291)

Web administration (Adam Kunovský - ičo:76197174)

Transfer of personal data to a third country
We do not transfer or disclose personal data to third countries

Time limits for erasure of individual categories of personal data
Customer contacts (3 years since last service order)

Accounting data for invoicing (according to deadlines resulting from accounting laws)

Employee contacts (during the period of work in our company and according to the legal deadlines arising from the HR agenda)

Selection procedures (for the duration of the selection procedure)

Technical, organisational and security measures
We protect personal data to the maximum extent possible by using modern technologies that correspond to the state of the art. We protect it as if it were our own. We have adopted and maintain (currently known) technical and organizational measures to prevent the misuse, damage or destruction of your personal data. The controller, the instructed and trained employee and the external accounting firm are obliged to maintain confidentiality in relation to personal data.

Your rights in relation to the protection of personal data
You have a number of rights in relation to data protection. If you wish to exercise any of these rights, please contact the controller (Otakar Hofr , tel.: 604 613 605, )

You have the right to information, which is already fulfilled by this information page with the personal data processing policy. Thanks to the right of access, you can challenge us at any time and we will document within 30 days what personal data we process and why. If something changes or you find your personal data outdated or incomplete, you have the right to have your personal data completed and amended.

You can exercise your right to restrict processing if you believe that we are processing your data inaccurately, if you believe that we are processing unlawfully but do not want to delete all of your data, or if you object to processing. You can limit the scope of the personal data or the purposes of the processing. Your other right is the right to erasure (to be forgotten). In this case, we will delete all your personal data from the system and from the system of all sub-processors and backups within 30 days. In some cases, we are bound by a legal obligation and, for example, we must keep records of tax documents issued for a period of time specified by law. In this case, we will therefore delete all such personal data that are not bound by another law. We will inform you by e-mail when the deletion is completed.

You have the right to contact the Data Protection Authority with your complaint at any time. We would be pleased if you would first inform us of your suspicion so that we can promptly implement a remedy.

We will only send you emails offering our services if you are a customer based on our legitimate interest. You can unsubscribe by replying to the email sent.

Prepared by: administrator Otakar Hofr , tel.: +420 604 613 605,